Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Stuff

Who's got fun plans for the weekend? My brother and sister in law are coming for the weekend, and Monday we have the annual BBQ at the river with our church. So much fun!

Because I love all things Martha Stewart, I wanted to share some things from her that can be whipped up this weekend...

Leaf Coasters...

Butterflies made from scrapbook paper on your paper lanterns...

Fruit tarts...

Bucket of rocks as paper weights...

Butterflies on straws...

Beach bucket table vase...

Bandanas stitched together to make one big tablecloth...

Fruit parfaits...

Hanging candle jars from your umbrella...

Click here to check out Martha.

These ideas don't take much effort, and can really make a space more special!

Hope your weekend is fabulous, and you have great weather wherever you are!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Table Toppers

The kitchen has been on my mind lately, since mine is about half done right now and I am working to finish up the numerous projects that I have started and yet to finish! When I discovered that Anna over at Noodlehead is featuring a Spice Up Your Kitchen series, I had to check it out!

Here is a great feature from Dana at MADE...

She made a whole bunch of table toppers so that she could easily switch the way the table looks instantly, or to dress it up when there isn't much time to decorate it for company. I love these...what a good idea.

Click here to check it out.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Be Inspired

How do Designers come up with such great color schemes? They look around them!!! They are Constantly looking to be inspired!

For example...we don't just see a beautiful Redwood forest...

We see natural textures and different shades of pink, green, and brown which can then be translated into textured wood frames, soft colored sofa with pink and green accent colors.

(This photo is from the area I live, by the way...)

Instead of just a field of yellow flowers...

We see a color palette of bold yellow, blue, and white, which can be translated into predominantly white furniture, bright colored fabrics, and lots of natural light.

Instead of seeing just a pretty tropical sunset...

We see dark furniture in a room brightened up by soft-but-pretty accent colors of orange, pink, and purple.

So, start looking around you for ideas and inspiration for your spaces. It doesn't just have to be found in nature. Look at color and texture schemes when you are at the Farmer's Market, or shopping at a Department Store, or in your backyard! We are constantly surrounded by inspiration, we just have to start noticing!

P.S. Welcome to all my fellow party-goers! I've linked this post up to Amanda's party over at Serenity Now.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ruffled Light Fixture

Isn't this the cutest light fixture for a little girls room?

One blog I frequently visit is The Pleated Poppy. First, I love it because Lindsey lives in San Luis Obispo, which is where I was born and visited Grandparents all throughout my childhood. Many many special memories in SLO. Climbing Madonna Mountain, visiting the Children's Museum, Thursday Farmer's Markets downtown, contributing to the famous bubble gum wall...oh how I miss it!

I also love it because she has incredible taste, and shares her projects around her home.

Click here for her tutorial.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

IKEA Outdoor Lighting

It's about time that IKEA came out with some cool outdoor stuff! After browsing their website, I stumbled upon these different types of solar lighting...

These all range from $10 - $20...

Aren't these solar snakes cool? You can twist them however you want!

These single pictures don't do these products justice! Check out the IKEA website here and flip through the slide show. Then you can see how they look at nighttime. I love that they are all solar powered too, because it is effortless.

I so wish I lived closer to an IKEA. The closest one is 6 hours away. Whenever I visit my family and friends up in Portland, I always make a special trip to IKEA.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

RIT dye

Back in February, I shopped at IKEA and bought some funky fabric to make some curtains for my breakfast nook in my kitchen. The fabric was stark white with different bird species on it, and it just looked too bright. I needed it off I decided to buy some RIT dye and tone it down a notch myself. Well, of course they don't sell just "off white" dye at my local Wal-Mart, so I decided I'd buy brown, and then use just a few drops of it. I used my wash machine to do the dying in. Anywhoo...the finished product is AWFUL! I wish I never touched it! It is this awful peachy color. I've even tried to bleach it back, but it didn't work. I am now going to try and re-dye it a totally different color: golden yellow, since that is another accent color in the space.

While I am currently disgruntled about the project, I love the idea of RIT dying and plan to do more. It only costs about $2 at stores, and it can transform and make them new again. They even have a shade that makes lighter jeans into dark denim jeans (and denim makes you look skinnier!).

Hopefully by the end of this week, my fabric will be back to cute, and I will have some posted pictures!

And just because I love vintage, here is an old RIT dye add from 1969...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Living Locurto

Ever heard of Living Locurto?

This website is packed full of free printables, party ideas, meal planning ideas, and SO much more! I stumbled upon it a few months ago, and feel in love with it! I've printed cute little bookmarks, recycleable signs for bins, and recipe cards! It can make organizing and chores just a wee bit more fun!

Click here to see the goods!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More Chalkboard Cuteness!

The possibilities are endless with chalkboard paint!!! I stumbled upon this dresser revamp here from Caren over at City Momma/Country Momma. She and her family lived the city life, then moved to the country and now have a huge gorgeous home!

This can easily be done for any dresser of this style. Just simply pull out the drawers, spray paint or regular paint them with chalkboard paint and can label your dresser drawers! I think this would be super cute in a kids room.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Super Simple Apron Tutorial

Aprons...aren't they cute? And practical? And cheap to make! They make a great gift, and are a cinch to make!

I had a leftover piece of fabric from the jewelry organizer project I posted here, so I decided it was the perfect size to make an apron. I had some leftover black and white polka dot fabric from a skirt I made a while ago, so I decided I could use that to add a ruffle to the bottom.

First, find a rectangle of fabric, any size you think may work for yourself or whoever you are giving the apron to. Fold over the seams, and pin in place. On your sewing machine, stitch the seams.

Note: You can leave the "bottom" of the rectangle alone, no need to do a seam because the ruffle will be sewed onto it later.

Next, cut a strip of fabric that is twice the length of the rectangle you just sewed. Make sure it is about 4-5" thick. Fold over one side and pin, then stitch on sewing machine.

On the opposite side that you did the seam, change your stitch to the widest stitch on your sewing machine, then stitch (do not do the reverse stitch as you are going to be pulling the thread). Once the wide stitch is done, take one end of thread that is hanging and start pulling, so that the fabric ruffles.

Once the entire strip is ruffled, pin onto the rectangle, right side facing each other and stitch.

Now, work on the straps by cutting small strips of fabric (mine were about 12" long each - need two of them). Fold over edges and stitch for clean edges. Sew onto apron.

Don't you love the ruffl-ey bottom? :o)

And voila...a cute, girly apron that was super simple!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Flowerpot Cakes

Ever since I saw these a few years ago, I've always wanted to make them. They look perfect for any little girls party, or any party in the Spring for that matter. They are over at my dear Martha's website...

Click here to check out the recipe and how to assemble it.

My best friend from Oregon was down here visiting this past weekend, so we've been busy having fun and catching up! I made the cutest-but-simple apron tonight with some fabric scraps that I will post tomorrow with a tutorial.