Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Be Inspired

How do Designers come up with such great color schemes? They look around them!!! They are Constantly looking to be inspired!

For example...we don't just see a beautiful Redwood forest...

We see natural textures and different shades of pink, green, and brown which can then be translated into textured wood frames, soft colored sofa with pink and green accent colors.

(This photo is from the area I live, by the way...)

Instead of just a field of yellow flowers...

We see a color palette of bold yellow, blue, and white, which can be translated into predominantly white furniture, bright colored fabrics, and lots of natural light.

Instead of seeing just a pretty tropical sunset...

We see dark furniture in a room brightened up by soft-but-pretty accent colors of orange, pink, and purple.

So, start looking around you for ideas and inspiration for your spaces. It doesn't just have to be found in nature. Look at color and texture schemes when you are at the Farmer's Market, or shopping at a Department Store, or in your backyard! We are constantly surrounded by inspiration, we just have to start noticing!

P.S. Welcome to all my fellow party-goers! I've linked this post up to Amanda's party over at Serenity Now.


  1. Great tip! I will have to try this! I never even think about texture when I pick anything out, unless it's sheets and they are scratchy!

  2. Good advice! :) I don't get inspiration from natural elements (or my general environment) often enough! A good way to solve a "Dilemma."

    Thank you so much for linking up to my party! I hope you have a fun time visiting around. :)

  3. Beautiful post and so true! Nature is always inspiring!

